User Can’t Believe It Costs Rs 60K. The palazzo is built with the same jute bags that we use at home to store food items as well as other food items. “Ye to hum ghar par bhi banna lenge,” an online user commented.

Social media has witnessed the resurgence of posts featuring expensive items regularly. Similar to this an additional viral post on the internet depicts an image of underwear in a store which is pricey but is, according to people on social media, is not worth the cost.

An Instagram page titled “Sachkadwahai” shared the video of a showroom in which an palazzo made from Jute fabric, used to make sacks was on display. The price of the item was 60,000.The Instagram page shared this video with a caption written in Hindi: “Kya aap is bori ke palazzo ke liye 60,000 rupees denge?” that, translated into English it reads like “Would you pay Rs 60,000 for this palazzo made of sack?”
This article about the costly product has become extremely popular and has over 5,00,000 followers on social networks. Additionally, the post’s humour and surprise have led to an influx of comments.
“This is real recycling,” one user commented.
“Unless they sell it on the emotion that this was the owner’s only rice bag for his whole life before opening this store, they can’t expect it to sell,” said an additional customer.
When uploading the video and on Instagram, the Instagram user inquired “Kya Aap is Bori an aap palazzo ke liye, the 60,000 rupee denge? (Would you be willing to shell out Rs 60k for these pants that are made from bags)” Have an examination of the video here:
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