
COVID-19:Meme alert! People piled viral memes on the threat of Corona on New Year.


2022 is just about to end, but however the new year is set to begin with new joy and excitement. A few people are planning to go for a stroll and others are planning to celebrate with relatives and friends at the house.

All of this is happening, but the news about the latest version in Corona viral has caused a lot of anxiety among people. This time corona is being spread in the form a new sub-variant to Omicron BF.7. The government is asking users to wear masks at all times in public spaces and take the proper safety guidelines. It’s true that Covid-19 has ruined the game yet again. #Covidisnotover also has started becoming a trend on Twitter. The people who were sad are crying over their failed holiday plans. However, the meme! and funny things that could bring some fun to the stale anger.

These memes are so much fun that you will not stop laughing by looking at them.

During Christmas and New Year and urged them to follow protocols like wearing masks and enjoy.